Novelang recognizes Novella files with the .novella
suffix. Novella files are plain text files, containing pure textual content, plus a limited amount of decorations to help Novelang to structure the text prior to rendering.
Here is a valid Novella file. It should look familiar to people who know wiki syntax:
== Title of level 1 This is a first paragraph on two lines. This is a `block of literal#@&)` inside a paragraph. //This other block will show in italics//. === Title of level 2 << This is a quoted paragraph. This is a second quoted paragraph. >>
See? Decorations look “imaged” like ASCII emoticons. Equal signs figure indents for the title level, and angled brackets look like opening/​closing quotes. Unlike with HTML or LaTeX, it’s easy to read a Novelang source document.
Novelang makes a great effort for making its grammar consistent. Before a detailed presentation of all available decorations, here are the fundamental notions to deal with.